Learning To Code In Java: Program To Add Two Numbers

This blog post will provide you with the source code of a program written in Java to add two numbers. So let's get started. Source Code:  import java.util.Scanner;public class AddTwoNumsApp1 {    public static void main(String[] args) {        Scanner Sum2Nums = new Scanner(System.in);        System.out.println("nEnter the first number: ");        int FirstNum = Sum2Nums.nextInt();        System.out.println("nEnter the second number: ");        int SecondNum = Sum2Nums.nextInt();        int Total = FirstNum + SecondNum;        System.out.println("nThe total of 2 numbers are: "+ Total + ".n");       Sum2Nums.close();      }} Output: That's it, a Java program to add two numbers has successfully been created.


How To Make Money From Coding (A Complete Guide)

Are you interested in making money from your coding skills but don't have any ideas? Well, this blog post will discuss how to make money with your coding skills. It will discuss the different ways to make money & some of the tips to get started with earning from code.Also, this blog post will discuss some mistakes you should avoid. At the end of this blog post, I guarantee you that making money from code will become much easier for you. What Is Coding: Coding is a process of giving instructions to a system on how to perform a specific task. A coder is an individual who writes and updates existing computer programs. Coders know various programming languages such as Python, Java, C & C++. Types Of Coding Skills: Some of the most common coding skills are: 1) Software Engineering Software engineering is the use of engineering principles to develop…


Top 10 Back-End Web Frameworks To Learn As A Beginner

Are you interested in learning the back-end web frameworks but don’t know which ones to learn? Well, this blog post will discuss the top 10 back-end web frameworks that you should learn as a beginner. Some important notes and learning resources will also be provided to help you learn. At the end of this blog post, choosing back-end frameworks for learning will become very easy. Before that, I would like you to check out the blog post on front end web frameworks by clicking here.  Now, let's get started. What Are Back End Frameworks? Back End Frameworks are software frameworks used in the development of web applications. They are used to create the server side logic of a web application. Also, they are used to perform tasks such as data processing, handling requests, managing databases and handling the authentication & security systems of a web application.  What Is A Back…


Top 10 Front-End Web Frameworks To Learn As A Beginner

Are you interested in learning the front-end web frameworks but don’t know which ones to learn? Well, this blog post will discuss the top 10 front-end web frameworks that you should learn as a beginner. Some important notes and learning resources will also be provided to help you in learning. At the end of this blog post, choosing front-end frameworks for learning will become very easy. I would also like you to check out the blog post on the top 10 back-end web frameworks by clicking here. Okay, so let's get started. What Are Front-End Frameworks? Front end frameworks are a set of programs that contain prewritten or reusable code as modules. Software developers use frameworks in their projects. A front-end framework structures and simplifies the development of a website or web application thus it saves a lot of time.   Benefits Of Front-End Frameworks: Some benefits of front-end frameworks…