How To Make Money From Coding (A Complete Guide)

Making Money From Coding

Are you interested in making money from your coding skills but don’t have any ideas? Well, this blog post will discuss how to make money with your coding skills. It will discuss the different ways to make money & some of the tips to get started with earning from code.

Also, this blog post will discuss some mistakes you should avoid. At the end of this blog post, I guarantee you that making money from code will become much easier for you.

What Is Coding:

An Image Describing What Is Coding

Coding is a process of giving instructions to a system on how to perform a specific task. A coder is an individual who writes and updates existing computer programs. Coders know various programming languages such as Python, Java, C & C++.

Types Of Coding Skills:

Some of the most common coding skills are:

1) Software Engineering

Making Money From Coding

Software engineering is the use of engineering principles to develop professional software starting from planning to deployment. Trained professionals who use engineering methods & programming languages to develop software systems are called software engineers. An average software engineer earns up to $119,202 per annum.

2) Web Development

Processes In Web Development

Web development is a procedure of building websites and web applications using various tools & methods. An individual who creates websites & web apps is called a web developer. Web developers have the overall responsibility of building & maintaining websites. An average web developer earns up to $81,350 per annum.

3) Game Development

Processes In Game Development

Game development is the method of creating a game starting from an idea & converting it into reality. Using game designs, ideas & storyboards as blueprints & bringing the game to life are some of the things done by a game developer. Average game developers earn up to $116,189 per annum.

4) Mobile App Development

Processes In Mobile App Development

Mobile app development is a procedure of building applications for small computing devices such as smartphones, smartwatches & tablet PCs. A mobile app developer is a software developer who builds applications for various mobile platforms such as Android & IOS. An average mobile app developer earns up to $110,482 per annum.

5) Cybersecurity

Processes In Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is the process of securing information systems against various cyberattacks. Finding & implementing solutions for the possible threats & vulnerabilities to prevent cyberattacks are some of the things done by a cybersecurity specialist. An average cybersecurity specialist earns up to $93,170 per annum.

6) AI, ML & Data Science

Processes In Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science

Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI is a method of giving systems the capabilities for them to think like humans. AI Engineers are those who are responsible for building AI systems so that they can mimic the thoughts of the human brain. An average AI Engineer earns up to $136,620 per annum.

Machine Learning, known as ML in short is the procedure of teaching machines how to perform particular tasks & give results by identifying patterns. ML Engineers are software developers who build AI & ML models that can be used for various tasks such as image detection, medical diagnosis & fraud detection. An average ML Engineer earns up to $161,524 per annum.

Data Science, known as DS in short is a process of collecting & interpreting data for making decisions. A Data Scientist is a trained professional who collects, analyses & interprets data to help in decision-making in an organization. An average Data Scientist earns up to $123,455 per annum.

Benefits Of Making Money From Code:

  • Provides work flexibility.
  • Make money while you’re sleeping.
  • Allows you to show your creativity.
  • Learn new things through projects.
  • Increases problem-solving skills.
  • Earn high monetary rewards.

Drawbacks Of Making Money From Code:

  • You need to have proper time management.
  • Beginners need to have a goal to succeed.
  • Can be highly competitive in terms of jobs & projects.
  • You have to keep upgrading your skills to succeed in this field.

Top 10 Ways To Make Money From Coding:

Below are the 10 best methods to make money from code:

1) Get A Full Time Or Part Time Coding Job

Image Of Full Time Or Part Time Coding Job

If you have been coding for a long time & have built a great portfolio, you can apply for a full-time or part-time job. You can approach a company & let them know what you can do as a coder & show them your projects such as e.g. in web development, you can show them the websites that you have built as a web developer.


  • Research the company or place you are applying for the job.
  • Make sure to dress well when you’re going to a job interview.
  • Show the company how you can be useful to them as an employee.

2) Create & Sell Online Courses

Image Of Online Courses

If you have an interest in teaching others how to code, you can start creating courses & selling them online on platforms such as Udemy, Skillshare & Teachable. As a coder, you can create courses based on web design, web development, programming languages, and frameworks & sell them at a specific price.


  • Do include resources such as subtitles, cheat sheets, and study notes when creating a course.
  • Avoid creating courses based on technologies or concepts that have been deprecated.
  • Be detail-oriented when creating a course as it will help your consumers understand the concepts well.

3) Provide Freelancing Services

Image Of Freelancing For Coders

If you have been coding for a while & gaining experience through projects, you can start as a freelancer. Fiverr, Upwork & PeoplePerHour are some of the platforms to make money by offering freelancing services.

Web scraping, website/web app development, and game & app development are some of the services that you can offer as a freelancer. There are other services that you can offer a freelancer. The demand & supply of services can change depending on the circumstances so be aware of this.


  • Have a generic & specific pitch in your freelance gig.
  • Avoid taking projects that you will not be able to do.
  • Communication plays a huge role in freelancing.
  • Maintain professionalism to succeed as a freelancer.
  • Always be aware of freelancing scams & frauds.
  • Combine skills & offer services as this will lead to more chances of getting clients.

4) Build & Sell Custom Software

Custom Software For Businesses

If you have been coding for a while & now looking for a quick way to monetize your skills, then you can build & sell custom software to your clients. You can approach local businesses & those whom you know with a software idea that can enhance the productivity of their businesses.

As a beginner, you can offer them a deal e.g. a free trial for a specific duration & till then the product is free of charge. After the duration has finished & if they like your product & would like to use it in their business, they can then pay you in the form of license fees to get the full service of the software.

As a result, it becomes a win-win situation for both sides (you & the clients). It will also open you up to new opportunities if your service is great.


  • Find problems faced at the places where you live & provide solutions to clients through software.
  • Avoid asking for money straight away after telling them about your product otherwise, your deal will be rejected.
  • Offer a variety of products with price range to your clients as it will help them choose those which they can afford.

5) Sign Up For Bug Bounty Programs

Bug Bounty Programs Signup

If you have an interest in cybersecurity, you can sign up for bug bounty programs. Google, Microsoft, Meta & Apple are some of the tech companies with bug bounty programs. As a coder, you can find out the problems that the companies are facing related to bugs. Then, after you find the solutions, you can receive a great monetary reward from these companies.


  • The more skills you have, the more your chances of success.
  • Learn & gain experience in coding by building your own cyber tools from scratch.
  • Focus on problem-solving & providing value to clients by delivering the best work & the rewards will eventually follow afterwards.

6) Start A Coding Blog & Monetize It

Coding Blog

If you are interested in writing, you can start a coding blog & monetize it through various methods such as advertisements, affiliate marketing & selling digital products such as e-books, courses, etc.

You can write blog posts that can help users solve their problems based on specific queries things such as e.g. tips & tricks & how-tos regarding a specific technology.

To learn how to create & host a blog website from scratch, click here.


  • Plan the structure of your blog post well before starting to write.
  • Learn S.E.O. as it will help you to learn how to rank your articles.
  • Always make use of backlinks & images when writing a blog post.

7) Develop & Sell Digital Products

Create Digital Products As A Coder

If you have some experience as a programmer, you can build digital products such as APIs, games & apps for different platforms, e-books & paid video courses. The products then can be monetized through advertisements, affiliate links, licensing fees, etc.


  • Do an in-depth research before starting to build a product.
  • While building a product, offer more value than an existing product.

8) Start A Coding YouTube Channel

Coding YouTube Channel

If you have an interest in making videos, you can start a YouTube channel based on coding. Videos based on tutorials, hands-on projects, tips & tricks, career guides, and tech products for coders can be made & uploaded on YouTube. After the channel has a massive amount of subscribers, it can be monetized through affiliate links, advertisements, donations, purchase links for projects, and paid memberships.


  • Beginners should have a game plan for their channel & maintain consistency in uploading videos.
  • Make sure to do the S.E.O. of each video uploaded as it will help in ranking & visibility.
  • Share & promote your YouTube channel using social media & other platforms available.
  • Having a website will increase your chances of visibility thus leading to more subscribers.
  • Do include learning resources such as PDF notes, and cheatsheets when creating a tutorial-based video.

9) Coding Competitions & Challenges

Image Of Coding Competitions & Challenges

If you have an interest in competitive programming, companies such as Google, Meta & Microsoft are some companies that organize events for students & professionals. Those who win these competitions get things such as prize money, merchandise, job offers, etc.

LeetCode, HackerRank, CodeChef & HackerEarth are some of the platforms where you can find & solve problems based on different programming languages. As a newbie, you can start by learning a programming language such as C/C++ or Java.

Then, do a lot of practice via problem-solving & the more you do the more you’ll become confident as a programmer.


  • Stay consistent & keep practicing as a coder.
  • Be confident & stay humble in your capabilities.
  • Keep leveling up the difficulty through practice.
  • Never cheat as this will damage your reputation.

10) Start A Software Development Company

Software Development Company

If you are interested in business & technology, then starting a software company is a good idea for you. You can start a company based on an idea that you have or you can provide custom software development services to clients based on their requirements at various price ranges.


  • Do your research well & identify the problems faced.
  • Provide solutions that are affordable & much better than your competitors.
  • Know well about your competitors & their strategies.
  • Plan & create a financial plan for your company.
  • Marketing plays a huge role in building awareness & getting more sales.
  • Find & improve products that are existing in the market.
  • As a beginner, you should know who is your target audience.

How To Get Started:

  • First, choose & learn a coding skill as per your interest.
  • Second, learn the basic skills and start building projects while learning & applying new concepts.
  • Third, maintain consistency & keep building projects to solve real-world problems.
  • Fourth, after gaining confidence in your coding skills, start monetizing your skills using various methods as discussed above in this blog post.
  • Fifth, after getting some experience & being able to get the rewards of your hard work, start learning a new skill & repeat the process as discussed.


  • Following the above steps will make you a successful person with a lot of work opportunities.

Mistakes To Avoid:

  • Avoid learning everything at once: Beginners often make the mistake of learning web development, Python, and Machine learning together & they don’t succeed thus they quit coding.
  • Never compare yourself to other coders: Doing this will have a huge impact on your overall well-being leading to things such as stress, anxiety, depression & so on. Focus on your journey only & strive to improve daily.
  • Avoid doing the same things repeatedly: Suppose you have built a blog website, now build a chat application or a social media clone. This way you’ll open up to new things & your problem-solving skills will enhance.
  • Never build projects that you will not apply in the real world: Doing this will waste your time. To get project ideas, start with those that you’re interested in & would love to show or use at some point in time.
  • Avoid mastering technologies, especially as a beginner: E.g. in web development, beginners want to learn and master all concepts of HTML, CSS & JS thus they become frustrated & leave coding. Beginners should start with the basics & then gradually increase the learning of new concepts thus this will help them to master the technologies and also know how to apply them in the real world.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1) Is making money from coding difficult?

It is difficult, especially for those who are starting.

2) Which coding skills are in the most demand?

Python, C, C++, Java, Javascript & PHP are some of the skills in demand.

3) What is the fastest way to make money from coding?

Building custom software for local businesses.

4) Can I make money from programming without a degree?

Yes, you can learn coding using various resources & make money without having a degree.

5) Which coding skill is the easiest to get started with?

It is full-stack web development.

6) How to get started with coding as a beginner?

First, plan your coding goal.
Then, choose & learn a programming language.
Also, use resources for learning and enhancing your knowledge.
After that, build projects while learning and enhancing your skills.
Make sure to learn tools that can make the coding process easier.

7) Can I make money while learning to code?

Yes, you can through freelancing websites. Make sure to focus on problem-solving as much as possible.

8) Can I become a millionaire from coding?

Yes, you can if you build something that can solve many real-world problems.

9) Can I make a lot of money from coding?

Yes, you can if you have a great skill set & deliver quality projects to your clients.

10) How much money can you make from coding?

It depends on the scalability of a project.

11) Can I learn coding online & get a job?

Yes, you can learn coding online & get a job.

12) Are paid coding courses worth it?

Some can be worthwhile while some cannot be. It depends on the instructor & the materials used in the course.


Having coding skills is a great way to make money through different methods. As discussed in this blog post, software engineering, cybersecurity, mobile app development & others are some of the great coding skills to have to make money.

From developing custom software to starting a software company based on an idea, there are multiple ways to make money from code as a beginner. As a beginner, you need to have a game plan & apply those skills in the real world while learning.

Consistency is also necessary to succeed. Moreover, newbies should avoid doing all things at once. Coding has made it easy to make money through passive income. However, the starting pace is not easy. A strong will with a desire to learn is necessary as a beginner.

Which coding skill are you going to learn and make money from? I would love to hear from you so do leave a comment down below with your answers.

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