Top 10 Back-End Web Frameworks To Learn As A Beginner

Top 10 Back End Web Frameworks

Are you interested in learning the back-end web frameworks but don’t know which ones to learn? Well, this blog post will discuss the top 10 back-end web frameworks that you should learn as a beginner.

Some important notes and learning resources will also be provided to help you learn. At the end of this blog post, choosing back-end frameworks for learning will become very easy. Before that, I would like you to check out the blog post on front end web frameworks by clicking here

Now, let’s get started.

What Are Back End Frameworks?

Back End Frameworks are software frameworks used in the development of web applications. They are used to create the server side logic of a web application. Also, they are used to perform tasks such as data processing, handling requests, managing databases and handling the authentication & security systems of a web application. 

What Is A Back End Developer?

A backend developer is a software developer who is responsible for creating the service – side logic of a web application. They are responsible for performing tasks such as data processing & storage, creating & maintaining APIs, handling of user authentication & authorization systems and so on.

These developers work with several programming languages such as JavaScript, PHP, Python and database systems like MongoDB, MYSQL to build projects. Moreover, their responsibility is to make sure that the applications are working properly & are well secured thus no issues are faced while the applications are under use.

Backend developers work together with frontend developers to make sure that the applications are working properly. 

Benefits Of Back End Frameworks:

Some advantages of back-end frameworks are:

  • Enhances the productivity of a developer.
  • Provides scalability & security features.
  • Minimizes the cost of development & time.
  • Helps to improve the quality of the source code.

Drawbacks Of Back End Frameworks:

Some disadvantages of back-end frameworks are:

  • Security problems can be faced.
  • Lack of flexibility & customization.
  • Steep learning curve for beginners.
  • Being highly reliant on the framework.

10 Best Back End Frameworks

Below are the 10 best back-end frameworks:

1.) Django

Image Of Django Framework

Django is a Python-based open source framework used in the development of various web applications such as content management systems, ecommerce websites, educational systems, news platforms, booking systems.

It is also used in the field of AI & machine learning thanks to the variety of libraries available. Simon Willison & Adrian Holovaty created the Django framework with its 1st release in July 2005. Companies such as Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube & Spotify use Django due to its popularity & efficiency. An average Django Developer earns up to $118,716 per annum.


  • Open source & free to use.
  • Built-in admin interface.
  • Huge community support.
  • Enhanced security levels.
  • Reusability of source codes.
  • Improved productivity levels.


  • Steep learning curve.
  • Performance issues.
  • Lack of real time features.
  • Limited configurations.
  • Cannot handle multiple requests.

Important Notes:

  • Avoid Django for small scale projects.
  • Only use Django for rapid app development.
  • Python programming skills are required to learn Django. 
  • Developers should know about the different rules to learn Django well.

Learning Resources:

2.) Laravel

Image Of Laravel Framework

Laravel is a PHP based framework used for developing single page apps, enterprise software & content management systems. Taylor Otwell, a full stack developer created the Laravel framework with its first release on the 9th of June in 2011.

Companies such as MasterCard, Alison & Razorpay use Laravel due to its easy to use features. An average Laravel Developer earns up to $108,545 per year. 


  • Easy to learn & use.
  • Great documentation.
  • Code can be reused.
  • Compatible with PHP.
  • Great community support.
  • Built in access control feature.
  • Several resources available.


  • Performance can be slow.
  • No support for payment features.
  • Framework upgrade causes issues.
  • Not suitable for mobile app development.

Important Notes:

  • Avoid Laravel if you’re only building a REST API.
  • Learning the framework will be time consuming.
  • Don’t use the framework for small scale projects.
  • PHP programming skills are required to learn Laravel.

Learning Resources:

3.) Node.js

Image Of Node.JS Framework

Node.js is an open source run time environment used for building server side web apps, IoT systems, APIs & single page apps. Ryan Dahl, an American software engineer created the Node.js framework with its first release on the 27th of May in 2009.

Companies such as Netflix, NASA, PayPal, Uber & GoDaddy use Node.js due to its high speed & performance. An entry level Node.js Developer makes up to $118,750 per annum. 


  • Fast performance.
  • Easy to learn & use.
  • Enhances productivity.
  • Flexible in development.
  • Huge community support.
  • Cross platform development.


  • Relational database issues.
  • Lack of strong library support.
  • Vulnerable to memory leaks.
  • Not suitable for high intensive tasks.

Important Notes:

  • Node.js is not suitable for heavy processing tasks.
  • JavaScript programming skills are required to learn Node.js. 
  • Choose packages carefully as they can create inconsistencies in a project.

Learning Resources:

4.) Express.js

Image Of Express.JS Framework

Express.js is an open source framework used for building web & mobile apps. It is based on the Node.js framework. TJ Holowaychuk, a software developer created the Express.js framework & it released on the 16th of November in 2010.

Companies such as PayPal, Twitter, LinkedIn & Netflix use Express.js due to its high performance. An average Express.js Developer earns up to $150,000 per year. 


  • Scalable.
  • Lightweight.
  • Highly flexible.
  • Database support.
  • Large community support.
  • Middleware & routing support.


  • Steep learning curve.
  • Security vulnerabilities. 
  • Lack of built in features.
  • Less capabilities in large scale apps.

Important Notes:

  • JavaScript programming skills are required to learn Express.js. 
  • Beginners can face difficulty while structuring their applications. 
  • Express.js is an ideal choice for MVP & lightweight app development.

Learning Resources:

5.) Next.js

Image of Next.JS Framework

Next.js is a React based framework used for developing full stack web applications. Guillermo Rauch, a software engineer & the founder of Vercel, created the Next.js framework with its first release on the 25th of October in 2016.

Companies such as Uber, Twitch, Netflix & Hulu use Next.js due to its amazing performance. An average Next.js Developer earns up to $120,000 per annum. 


  • Secured data.
  • Quick refresh feature.
  • High conversion rates.
  • Great SEO performance.
  • Effective image optimization.
  • Technical support on demand.


  • Limited plugins.
  • Flexibility issues.
  • Build time can be lengthy.
  • Absence of dynamic routing support.

Important Notes:

  • Javascript programming skills are required to learn Next.JS.
  • A third party library will be required to install for state management.
  •  Avoid Next.JS for projects that require a lot of customizations. 
  • Next.js is an ideal framework for static websites or apps that don’t need complex routing.

Learning Resources:

6.) Flask

Image Of Flask Framework

Flask is a Python based framework used for building web applications. Armin Ronacher, an Austrian software programmer created Flask & it released on the 1st of April in 2010. Companies such as Samsung, Airbnb, Lyft & Zomato use Flask due to its overall development process. An average Flask Developer earns up to $125,000 per annum. 


  • Lightweight.
  • Easy to use.
  • Fast performance.
  • Highly compatible.
  • Extensibility options.
  • Large community support.


  • Steep learning curve.
  • Lack of built in features.
  • Can be time consuming.
  • Absence of an admin interface.

Important Notes:

  • Avoid Flask for large scale projects.
  • Python programming skills are required to learn Flask.
  • The built-in server is not suitable for production since it does not scale well.

Learning Resources:

  • Flask – Full Tutorial For Beginners
  • Develop An API Using Python Flask
  • Python Flask – Full Course For Beginners
  • Create A Website Using Flask – Full Tutorial
  • Learn Flask By Building An E-Commerce Website

7.) ASP.NET Core

An Image Of The ASP.NET Core Framework

ASP.NET Core is an open source framework used for building cross platform apps & services. Microsoft created ASP.NET Core & it released on the 7th of July in 2016. Companies such as Ubisoft, Stack Overflow & SoundCloud use ASP.NET Core due to its high compatibility. An entry level ASP.NET Core Developer earns up to $91,000 per year. 


  • Open source. 
  • Cross platform.
  • Fast performance.
  • Easy to implement.
  • Huge community support.


  • Limited features.
  • Steep learning curve.
  • Limited library & platform support.

Important Notes:

  • C# programming skills are required to learn ASP.NET Core.
  • Expenses can vary depending on the size & complexity of a project.
  • New developers should become aware of the capabilities of ASP.NET Core & get used to it.
  • ASP.NET Core should be avoided if high performance, platform compatibility is not the primary concern.

Learning Resources:

8.) Ruby On Rails

An Image Of The Ruby On Rails Framework

Ruby On Rails is a web application framework used for develop web applications. David Heinemeier Hanss, a Danish programmer created the Ruby On Rails framework with its first release in August 2004. Companies such as Airbnb, Dribble & Shopify use Ruby On Rails due to its amazing ecosystem. An average Ruby On Rails Developer earns up to $133,623 per annum. 


  • Easy to learn.
  • Highly secure.
  • Saves a lot of time.
  • Huge community support.
  • Front end compatibility.


  • Lack of flexibility.
  • It is still evolving. 
  • Slow performance & speed.
  • Wrong decisions can be costly.

Important Notes:

  • Ruby programming skills are required to learn Ruby On Rails.  
  • Rails is not suitable for building real time apps & microservices.
  • Using Rails for small scale apps & those with high traffic & resource intensive should be avoided.

Learning Resources:

9.) Spring Boot

An Image Of The Spring Boot Framework

Spring Boot is a Java-based framework used for building microservices & web apps. Rod Johnson, an Australian computer specialist created the Spring Boot framework and it was released in April 2014. Companies such as Netflix, Uber, LinkedIn & Udemy use Spring Boot due to its great performance. An average level Spring Boot Developer earns up to $126,750 per annum. 


  • Easy to setup & use.
  • Automatic configuration.
  • Minimizes code length.
  • Reduces development time.
  • Large community support.
  • Easy integration with Spring.
  • Variety of plugins available for use.


  • Limited control.
  • Lack of flexibility.
  • Steep learning curve.

Important Notes:

  • Spring Boot is not suitable for large scale projects.
  • Java programming skills are required to learn Spring Boot well.
  • Unused dependencies can cause a huge deployment file size.

Learning Resources:

10.) CakePHP

Image Of CakePHP Framework

CakePHP is a PHP Based framework used for building web applications. Michal Tatarynowicz, a Polish programmer built CakePHP & it all began in April 2005. Startups such as Eureka, Zumba & SeatGeek use CakePHP due to its simplicity. An average CakePHP Developer earns up to $107,055 per year.


  • Open source.
  • Customisable.
  • Ajax Support.
  • Highly secure.
  • Code reusability.
  • Supports MVC Model.


  • Steep learning curve.
  • Documentation is not very supportive.
  • Not very popular like other frameworks.

Important Notes:

  • PHP programming skills are required to learn CakePHP well.
  • CakePHP should be avoided for small scale projects.
  • Beginners will have to practice a lot to become proficient in using CakePHP.
  • Follow the naming conventions & use built in functions to speed up the development process.

Learning Resources:

Frequently Asked Questions:

1.) Django vs Node.js: Which one is better?

Both are better. It depends on the project.

Django is better in scalability while Node.js is better in performance.  

2.) What is the fastest back-end framework?

Spring framework.

3.) Should I learn ASP.NET Core or Node.js?

For large scale apps, learn ASP.NET Core & for fast and lightweight apps learn Node.js.

4.) Which back-end frameworks are easy to learn?

Django & Flask.

5.) How to choose which back-end framework to learn first?

Choose a framework which suits your project’s requirements.


Django’s code re-usability & enhanced security levels has made it a great choice for developers to use in projects. Unfortunately, mobile computing tasks in Django is not a good idea.

Laravel has simplified the development for PHP applications. Slow performance & framework upgrade issues are some drawbacks to be aware of.

NodeJS is a great framework due to it’s fast performance & flexibility. Memory leaks & relational database issues are some cons to be mindful of.

ExpressJS has made it easy to develop lightweight applications thanks to its scalability. Security vulnerabilities & a steep learning curve are some of the problems faced in this framework.

NextJS has simplified the development of full stack applications using JavaScript. Data security & a quick refresh feature makes NextJS a great technology to use. A lack of flexibility & limited plugins are some of the problems faced in this framework.

Flask’s extensibility & amazing performance has made it a great choice to use in software development. Using Flask for large scale projects should be avoided.

ASP.NET Core does a great job in cross platform software development. Newbie developers should learn & adapt to the capabilities of this framework which will help them in the future.

Ruby On Rails is an amazing framework in terms of security & front end compatibility. Slow performance & speed are some of the cons that developers should be aware of.

Spring Boot has made it easy to build micro-services & web applications using Java. Developers should always be aware of a project’s dependencies during deployment.

CakePHP’s customization options & high security features makes it a great framework to use in projects. However, newbie developers will have to practice a lot to become proficient in CakePHP.

Finally, each front end framework has its strengths & weaknesses. It all depends on what a software developer requires from a framework. 

Which back end language are you going to learn first? I would love to hear from you. Don’t forget to share the blog post with others. It will be highly appreciated.

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